Thursday 14 March 2013

Life at Glamorgan University

Life at Glamorgan University
Last September in 2012 I’ve start my new life that when I come to start studying in Glamorgan University. After my high school I’ve decided to complete my study in the UK and that was the most important decision in my life.  It is hard to life in other country without your family and friends and with different culture and religion. I’ve asked my parents and friend if that is a good decision I’ve made or not. Most of my family and friends was sporting my they said that your future you have to work in it. However, the first day for me in the Glamorgan university was hard because I don’t know anybody her  and I’ve lost in this big university but I thing that good because that which happened for my helped me to find a friend. I was asking any person in the university ‘where is the international student office’ every one give me a different locution. Ones of the people who I’ve asked them he is my close friends know and he in my same class. Therefore, I believe that studying in the UK was a very good decision I made in my life that because I’ve learned a lot of things such as English language, British culture, British life style and food. That things which happened to me are affective in me new life in the university. Next September I’m going to start my first year degree in computer security. I believe that I’ll going to do well because I’ve got some experience of the life in the university such as the university blokes, teachers, friends, transport, and the commendation. The only things which anode me is I’ll not be in the same class with my friend  that because everyone has a different subject to study.   

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