Wednesday 24 October 2012

The different between Education system in the UK and UAE

Founded the United Arab Emirates in the educational system at the beginning of the 1970s, and consists of three phases, spanning 14 years of education: 4-5 years of age to attend kindergarten, aged between 6-11 years old attend primary school, and secondary school meets Children between the ages of 12 -14 years , and aged between 15-17 yearsare in  highe school .

 The educational system in the UK are three part ( primary,secondary,and higher education ), spanning 12 years of education: 4-5 years of age to attend kindergarten, aged between 5-11 years old attend primary school, and secondary school meets Children between the ages of 11 -14 years  , and aged between 14-16 years highe school .

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