Thursday 11 October 2012

Four constituent country of the UK

   United Kingdom

Four constituent country of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Britain, 19th century industrial and maritime power, in developing parliamentary democracy and a leading role in advancing literature and science.

1 - England

England are the biggest country in the UK . The capital of England and Uk are London .  Regime in Britain is a central authority under a constitutional monarchy 1 - Queen " Elizabeth II "  2 - Prime minister  " David Cameron "  3 - Crown  " Prince Charles " .  Area ( 130.395 km 2 - 50.346 square miles ) , The Population are ( 53,013,000  ) , The Currency are £ ((GBP)) .

2 - Scotland    

The second largest country in Britain is Scotland and the capital, Edinburgh, and the most important cities and the largest city is Glasgow. Scotland was an independent kingdom until 1 May 1707 . The Local languages ​​recognized English and Scottish . The area of Scotland are " 78.772 km 2 - 30.414 square miles ' , The Population " 5144200 " .

3 - Wales

Wales is located in the south-western region of Great Britain and the capital  and biggest city of Wales are Cardiff since 1955. The official language are English and Welsh . The area of Welsh ( 20.779 km 2 - 8,022 square miles ) , The Population are " 3004600 " .

4 - Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland are with England, Scotland and Wales, the United Kingdom, covering 5,459 square miles (14,139 km ²) of the north-eastern region of the island of Ireland, about one-sixth of the total area of the island. An estimated population of 1685000 .


  1. Hi Saaed,

    Can you please include the websites where you found the information.

  2. Hi Saeed ,
    nice informations .
    I have learened very much about the four nations from your blog to be honest.


  3. Thanks Al Bader ,

    I hope everybody get an information about the uk and the four nations .

    good luck mate and wish you the pest
