Wednesday 16 January 2013

London Riots

London Riots

                      Buildings burn on Tottenham High Road in London during protests on August 6, 2011. Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images (2011)

In 2011, when I was studying in the south of London, in Broadstairs, we heard about the riots which happened in London. In the college where I was studying, they told us to be careful about this and not to go to London. Acoording to Barkham and Henley (2011), the London Riots happened because a British black man 29-year-old Mark Duggan, was killed by police and a group of young people went out and did those riots. The riots made a lot of problem, for example, looting, burning of public building and private also they attack with the security forces. More than 40 people have been arrested after rioting saw police attacked, buildings looted and vehicles set alight in Tottenham, north London (BBC 2011). The riots spread in several cities such as Manchester, Bristol, Liverpool, Midland, West Yorkshire and other areas. There are some goals of these riots: political, social reforms and economic factors.   


Barkham, P. and Henley, J. (2011) Mark Duggan: profile of Tottenham police shooting victim. Available at:
(Accessed: 10 January 2013).

BBC (2011) London riots: Dozens injured after Tottenham violence. Available at:
(Accessed: 10 January 2013).
Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images (2011) London Riots. Available at:
(Accessed: 13 Jan 2013).


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