Thursday 31 January 2013

Somali language

Somali language
Google (2013)
Google (2013)

1-      How many people speak this language in the world today?
According to the BBC (2013), there nearly 12.65 million people speak Somali in the world.
2-      Where are the main areas in the UK where this language is spoken?
According to the BBC (2013), there are 10 – 11 million people spoken Somali in the UK.
3-      What is the history of this language in the UK? When was it first spoken? Who by? What is the story behind its arrival in the UK?
The Somalia is one of the oldest African people in the UK. They come to the UK because the civil war in their country.  
4-      Any other information about this language that you think may be interesting for other members of the class?
There is different type of Somali language, because some of the Somali people speak Arabic and the people who in the south of Somali speak Italian.


BBC (2013) somali.Available at: 
(Accessed: 31January 2013).

Google (2013) Somali flag. Available at:

Google (2013) Somali map. Available at:

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