Thursday 7 March 2013

Presentation Feedback

Today in the class we did a presentation about our studying degree in the University and why we chosen it. In every subject and some work we have to do a presentation. Today, in the class when I did my presentation I’ve made some strength thinks and there are some weaknesses. One of the benefit thinks to do in our presentation was facing all the audience when we speaks in the presentation. According to rogerdarlington, (2012) ‘Face your audience at all times even though the screen to which you are speaking is behind you.’  Also, there are a good think I did in my presentation such as speaking clear, using easy vocabulary, not shy, using a nice and clear slides, and I’ve include in-text reference. On the other hand, I did some wrong things in the presentation. The biggest weaknesses I made were the grammar and spilling mistakes. It is important in every presentation we do is the grammar and spilling. According to University of Kent (2013) said that, the grammar and spilling are one of the important things to do to have a good presentation .However, I did some other mistakes I should not do in it in the future such as adding just one reference, I have to be more serious, include reference for the images, and I did not prepare before I doing the presentation. If I focuses more and try to not do this wrong things in the presentation I will maybe had a better marks and be more professional in the future. 




Rogerdarlington (2012) How to make a good presentation. Available at: (Accessed at: 7 march 2013).

University of Kent (2013), Tips on making presentation. Available at: (Accessed at: 7 march 2013).



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