Thursday 14 February 2013

Sports in the UK


The sport is very important for the life of the English people. There are many popular sports in England such as Cricket, Football (Soccer), Rugby, Tennis, and Netball. The football is the most popular sport in England and some of England's football teams are world famous. For example, Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool. England (2012) said that ‘In the English Football League there are 92 professional clubs. These are semi-professional, so most players have other full-time jobs. Hundreds of thousands of people also play football in parks and playgrounds just for fun.’


There people in Scotland an interesting in sports and the Scots are famed for their passion and competitiveness. There are many different sports in Scotland such as golf, football, cycling, rugby sevens and the Highland Games. According to Scotland (2013), the most popular and spectator sports is football and the Scotsman, William McGregor, who set up the first English football league. There are also traditional sports such as tossing the caber, hammer throwing, tug o’ war and cross-country running, are celebrated at more than 60 Scottish Highland Games events across the country every year (Scotland, 2013).


There many different sports in wales, many people think the rugby is the most popular sport with the welsh people. However, some of the people are interesting in football as will, the most popular club in wales are Swansea because they play in the English football league. Swimming are the most popular sports with the kids in Wales. Pt (2011), ‘Nearly a half (48 per cent) of children in the country region swims regularly – just ahead of football at 45 per cent. ’


There are amount of sports in Ireland such as Hurling, Gaelic football, fishing, golf and shooting. Hurling is the most popular sport in Ireland because it is a traditional sport. According to Biege (2013) ‘Regarded as "the fastest game on earth", hurling is played by two teams equipped with sticks (hurleys), chasing a small ball across a football-sized field. The ball can be prodded along the ground like in field hockey, may be carried on the hurley or smacked mid-air like a baseball. Speed, agility and marksmanship are in great demand.’

Biege, B. (2013) Top 10 Spectator Sports in Ireland. Available at:
(Accessed at: 14 February 2013).

Bt (2011) Swimming ahead of Football and Rugby as the most popular kids sport in Wales. Available at at: 14 February 2013).
England (2012) England sports Available at: at: 14 February 2013).

Scotland (2013) Scottish sport. Available at: (Accessed at: 14 February 2013).


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