Thursday 21 February 2013

Culture in the UK

British Tea Cup. Tammy (2013)

Since 19 may 2011 I’ve arrived in the UK to begin a new life and to learn English and studying in the University. I was interesting to live with a British house family to learn from him a lot of thing such as: language, British culture and the life style of the British people.  However, I lived with British people and I have shier the life with them for a year.  I notice that from my expiries with living with British family most of the people in the UK are enjoying playing sport such as golf and Rugby.  According to Justlanded (2011) ‘The British are sports mad, although most people confine their interest to watching or gambling rather than taking part.’ Therefore, most of the houses in the UK are not big like the houses in my country and I thing because that the children are moving from their parents’ house when the get adult. Most of the British people are enjoying drinking a tea. According to Justlanded (2011) said that the British are one of the most tea drinker in the world and the people in UK are drinking tea in the same quantities as other Europeans countries. As a result, the culture in the UK is more different than in my country, I really enjoyed the British life but I did not like the British food.  


Justlanded (2011) British Culture. Available at: (Accessed at: 21/02/2013).

Justlanded (2011) British Culture. Available at: (Accessed at: 21/02/2013).

Tammy (2013) British Tea Cup. Available at: (Accessed at: 21/02/2013).

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