Thursday 28 February 2013

The Acadimec culture

The Universities in the UK (google .com 2013)
I have entered the university in the United Kingdom since 26 September 2012. I notice that the culture in the university is different than out said. In the University of the UK the life is different such as: language, students, marking system and technology.  According to speaker in the Middlesex University (2013) said that, the language which using in the university are different than the normal language, because in the university they use academic writing language not like the writing an email or letter. However, there are many different nationalities in the UK universities. For example, from my experience in the University of Glamorgan the international student are tend to be high than the home student. The marking system in the Universities of UK are different than other, the higher mark are 70% and the baas mark are 40%. Moreover, the technology nowadays the easiest way to teaches the student and be on teach with them. According to computing (2009) said that ‘social media to reach a greater number of students and e-learning to make information, skills and research available beyond the traditional campus.’   



Bibliography (2009) Universities urged to make better use of technology. Available at: (Accessed at: 28/02/2013).

Google (2013) the Universities in the UK. Available at:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&wrapid (Accessed at: 28/02/2013).

Middlesex University (2013) Using academic language. Available at: (Accessed at: 28/02/2013).

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